Did you know - Lavender Museum in Coustellet in Provence, France

Celú sériu som nazvala Did you know...? Vedeli ste, že ...?
I gave the name Did you know...? to all the series of articles.
Po dlhšej odmlke som späť. Rozhodla som sa vám ponúknuť pohľad na zopár zaujímavých miest, ktoré som navštívila, kým som bola off-line. Vo všetkých sa niečo vyrába, niečo svetoznáme a zaujímavé.After a long silence, I´m finally back. I decided to offer you a visit of some interesting places I visited during the time I was off-line. In all these places they make something, it is well known and interesting.
Prečítajte si názov a viete, kde Vás zavediem v prvom článku. Levanduľové múzeum v Provensálsku, na juhu Francúzska. Takýchto múzeí je vraj v Provensálsku viac, my pôjdeme na návštevu toho v Coustellete, ktorý patrí rodine Lincelé. Aj keď levandula nekvitne, oplatí sa múzeum navštíviť.
Read the name of the article above and you know where we go in the 1st one. Lavender Museum in Provence, the south of France. It is said there are more museums like this one in Provence, we go to the one which is in Coustellet and which belongs to family Lincelé. Even if the lavender isn´t in bloom, it is worth a visit.
Kvitnúca levanduľa
Významné levanduľové polia Provensálska sa nachádzajú v a na sever od Luberonu a na Verdunskej plošine. Doba kvitnutia levandule v nížine je zvyčajne od polovice júna do júla. Avšak na kvitnutie má vplyv aj dážď a teplota, ktorá je počas roka, takže kvitnutie môže byť posunuté. Studené pošasie a nadmorská výška môže posunúť dobu kvitnutia až na august. V múzeu levandule Chateau du Bois sa levanduľa zbiera okolo 15.júla.
Blooming and flowering lavender
The main lavender fields are centered on and to the north of Luberon and regions of Verdon plateau. The flowering season in the lowlands is generally from mid June to July. Although it can vary slightly from year to year depending on rainfall and temperature.V minulosti...
Rimania používali levanduľu na ovoňanie kúpeľa. Mimochodom, slovo levanduľa pochádza z latinského "lavare" - umývať sa. Keď na začiatku 18.storočia Provensálsko trápil mor, použili levanduľu na dezinfekciu, dezinfikovali domy, príbytky, aj nemocnice.In the past ...
The Romans used lavender scent to their bathwater. By the way, the word lavender comes from the Latin word "lavare" - to wash. When at the beginning of the 18th century Provence suffered from plagues, they used lavender to desinfect homes and hospitals.Chateau du Bois
pracuje s pravu levanduľou a vyrába z nej esenciálny olej, krémy, parfém, mydlá a nájdete tam samozrejme aj levanduľové voňavé vrecká.In Chateau du Bois
they use true lavender and make essential lavender oil, cream, perfume, soap and you can find there lavender bags, of course, as well.Vedeli ste, že...
... keď si časť ľudí zadovážila stroje na destiláciu levandule, destilovali levanduľu v jarnom čase a aby prežili, na jeseň destilovali ovocie a vyrábali pálenku. Potom prišlo spoplatnenie týchto strojov, vraj aby sa nerozširoval alkoholizmus, ale veľa ľudí tak prišlo o živobytie, takže veľa ľudí sa napokon utiekalo ku alkoholu aj tak.Did you know that...
... some people acquired machines for lavender destilation and they used it for lavender in the springtime and because they needed to survive, they used it for fruit destilation to make spirits in autumn. Later on, they had to start paying taxes for these machines, it was said that it is to protect people from alcoholism, but a lot of people lost their possibility to earn their living, so lots of them started to drink either.Vedeli ste, že...
...pri zbere levandule existujú 3 hrozby? Slnko - jasné, lebo páli ostošesť, včely - jasné, pretože levaduľa je medonosná a včielky priťahuje, takže hrozí bodnutie. Poslednou hrozbou sú hady, ktoré sa medzi levanduľovými kríkmi v pokoji vyhrievajú. Preto ľudia v minulosti chodili zbierať levaduľu v hrubých nohaviciach a sukniach. Vršky mali krásne a ozdobené, pretože jediný deň, kedy na to mali čas, bola nedeľa. Z kostola rovno k levanduli.Did you know that...
... during the lavender harvest there are 3 existing risks? The sun - that´s clear, it shines like crazy. The bees - also evident, because lavender provides honey and it attracts bees, so there is sting risk. The last risk represents the snakes lying peacefully on the sun among the lavender plants. That´s why people in the past went to harvest the lavender in thick trousers and skirts. The tops were nice and decorative, because the only day when they could do it, was Sunday. So from the church directly to lavender field.
V minulosti zbierali levanduľu celé rodiny, o čom svedčí aj veľkosť kosákov. Jedine mama mala však privilégium, aby na ruke nosila náprstníky proti porezaniu sa.
In the past all the families were involved in the lavender harvest. The size of sickle proves it. Only mum was allowed to wear finger protection against the cut.
In the past all the families were involved in the lavender harvest. The size of sickle proves it. Only mum was allowed to wear finger protection against the cut.
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