Croatia/ Zadarska riviera

Minulý rok sme mali s manželom "študijnú dovolenku", ak to tak môžem nazvať. Ja som bola na stáži cez Erasmus+ , on si v tej istej škole zaplatil kurz všebecnej angličtiny. Popritom sme stihli spoznávať i krásy Írska, studené more však nedávalo nádej užiť si ho, no bolo to fajn. Rok predtým sme boli na "objavnej dovolenke" v spoločnosti domácich - Španielov. More teplé, noci tropické, opäť žiadny Slovák na obzore. Predtým to bol zase "road trip" po Francúzsku, v útulných B&B na vidieku. A napokon sme sa tento rok rozhodli pre tradičnejšiu "oddychovku". Tam sa to veru dosť hmýrilo Slovákmi, Čechmi a Poliakmi. Destinácia je už asi jasná, že? 


Naša voľba padla na Bibinje, hoci predtým sme to ťahali autom ešte o pár hodín južnejšie. Blízkosť Zadaru však našepkávala, že by to nemuselo byť zlé. Bola som zvedavá na Pozdrav slnku (foto nižšie) aj jedinečný Morský organ. Veď kto ma pozná, vie, že na pláži dlho nevydržím.
 Zadar - Greeting to the Sun, sunset

Bibinje sa z bežných cca 4000 obyvateľov mení v lete na mesto s množstvom ľudí, kde to žije od rána do večera. Našťastie sme vymákli termín, kedy pláže ešte neboli preplnené a dalo sa tam dýchať bez susedových nôh vedľa hlavy.
Bibinje - view from the old town port

Kamienky?! Ja viem, že na fotkách vyzerá piesková pláž lákavejšie a luxusnejšie, ale z praktického hľadiska my veru nedáme na kamienkové pláže v Chorvátsku dopustiť. Sú príjemné, nenosíte si piesok všade, našťastie ani domov v batožine. More s kamienkovou plážou je priezračné a jednoducho úžasné.
Keď sme sa ráno zobudili skoro, zašli sme na pláž, kde už pár jedincov plávalo, či joggingovalo. Voda bola kľudná, čistá a lákala ponoriť sa. Aj sme tak urobili a na taký začiatok dňa budem veru celý rok spomínať. Len sa treba premôcť a ráno sa z tej postele vykotúľať.
Bibinje - northern beach
Ninska laguna beach called Kraljičina plaža

Keďže hovorím o "oddychovej dovolenke" znamená to, že sme si užívali najmä slnko, more a stredomorskú stravu. Potrebovala som už nejako pomôcť tej mojej astme a zdalo sa, že to bolo dobré rozhodnutie.

 Mediterranean diet :-)

Tak a popritom sme sa boli namazať aj liečivým bahnom v Nine, ktorý je asi 15km na sever od Zadaru. Okrem Kráľovninej pláže, kde si teda môžete užiť aj pieskovú pláž, stojí za zmienku práve liečivé bahno, ktoré milovali už králi na území Chorvátska. Avšak, keď zájdete do Ninu, môžete tam obdivovať aj najmenšiu katedrálu na svete a navštíviť múzeum i výrobňu ručne robenej morskej soli. Ozaj odporúčam.
Mud from Nin - Kraljičina plaža

A keď už píšem o Chorvátsku v júli 2018, mala by som spomenúť aj futbal. Podľa toho, čo som počula v médiách, Chorváti sú druhý slovanský národ (po bývalom Československu), ktorý sa dostal do finále Majstrovstiev sveta vo futbale. Aj to patrične prežívali. Postupne nálada gradovala až hrali finále s Francúzskom. Dostala som otázku, komu fandím. Ja srdcom a dušou frankofil. Nech lepší zvíťazí. Či sa tak stalo, ani neviem. Viac som totižto sledovala, ako sa Chorváti tešili. Veď aj Tudman bol oblečený v tých horúčavach do chorvátskych farieb.
 Bibinje - Tudman statue

Last year, we had "studying holidays" with my hubby, if I can call it like this. I took part in a learning activity for teachers thanks to Erasmus+ funds, my husband decided to pay for a General English course in the same school. We also had time to discover the beauty of Ireland, but cold sea didn´t allow us to enjoy the swimming. However our stay there was really fine! A year before, we did "discovering holidays" in a companionship of real Spanish friends. Warm sea, tropical nights and again no Slovaks nearby. Before, I went to a "road trip" in France, we slept in a cozy  B&B in a coutryside. And finally, this year, we decided for more traditional "realxing holidays". The place was full of Slovaks, Czech and Polish people. Can you guess the name of our destination? Isn´t it clear? 

Croatia, of course.

Bibinje - little northern port near Puntica pub

We chose Bibinje although before we used to drive more souther. The nearest Zadar whispered that it wouldn´t be so bad. I wanted to see the Greetings to the Sun or unique Sea Organ there. After all, who knows me, he/she knows well that I am not able to stay long lying on the beach.   
Zadar - city centre

There are normally cca 4000 inhabitants living in Bibinje, but in the summer, the town is full of people and it is very busy there from morning till late night. Fortunately we came across the time when the beaches were no crowded and we could breathe the fresh air without neighbour´s feet near the head.
Bibinje - northern beach

Pebbles and stones?! I know sandy beach looks lovelier and more luxurious on the photos, but from the practical point of view we won´t surely say a bad word against the pebbles on the beach in Croatia. They are agreeable, you do not have sand everywhere, luckily neither in the luggage. The sea with pebbles and stones is crystal clear and simply wonderful. 
When we woke up early in the morning, we went to the beach where some people were already swimming or jogging. The water in the sea was so quiet, pure and it called to dive. We did it. The beginning of the day like this I will keep it a year long in my mind. The only thing you should do is to roll out of your bed.
Ninska laguna beach called Kraljičina plaža

As I am talking about "holidays full of relax", it means that we were enjoying especially the sea, the sun and the mediterranean diet. I needed to help my astma and it seems to be a good decision. However, we travelled a little as well. We went to Nin, 15kms far away from Zadar to the north, we went to spread the mud on our body there, because it is said to be healing. Except the Ninska laguna beach where you can also enjoy the sand beach, the mud is worth a visit. it was loved even in the past by kings in Croatia. When you visit Nin, you can admire the smallest cathedral in the world and visit the Salt Museum and factory where the sea salt is being harvested in a handmade manner. I really recommend it.

Mud from Nin - Kraljičina plaža

And when I am writing about Croatia in July 2018, I should mention football. As I could hear and listen in the media, Croatians are the second slave nation (after the former Czechoslovakia) who played in the Football  World Cup Final. And that´s true they experienced it appropriately. The ambience escalated till they played the Final against France. I was asked who I was supporting. Me, with heart and mind the enthusiast for everything French. May the best one win. I do not know if it was like this, because I was watching the Croatians enjoying the football and their nationalism. Even Tudman was dressed up in croatian colours during these hot days.   
 Bibinje - Tudman statue
 Bibinje - Puntica pub and people watching Football World Cup


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