Bday moments
Máj je celkom fajn mesiac, pretože je tu naplno jar. Vo vzduchu cítiť nielen kvitnúce stromy, byliny a trávy, ale školopovinní a vzdelávaním živiaci sa ľudia mi dajú za pravdu, že vo vzduchu tiež cítiť blížiaci sa koniec školského roka.
V máji tradične dostanem zopár milých darčekov. Aj tento rok bol jeden krajší ako druhý, ale dnes chcem napísať pár slov o špeciálnych darčekových momentoch. Úplne prvým bola kávička a koktail na potykanie si s Viki a Soňou, ktoré ani prvým rokom na strednej nezabúdajú.
No a táto fotka, to je ten ďalší nezabudnuteľný okamih - moja malá neterka Paulínka mi darovala nielen spoločnú fotku, ale najmä asi hodinovú pozornosť bez plaču! Týždeň na to sa stretla s malým Majkym a bola som užasnutá, ako tie dve malé stvorenia spolu komunikovali. Bodkou za všetkým bolo príjemné otvorenie záhradnej sezóny - gulášové posedenie.
May is quite a good month, because the spring is fully presents in our lives. We can smell blooming trees, herbs and grass in the air, however all the school chidren and as well as everybody working in the education will surely agree that we can also feel the coming end of the school year in the air!
In May, I usually get few Bday presents. Everty time nice and lovely. But I'd like to write about special Bday moments right now. The 1st special moment was a coffee meeting with Viki and Soňa during which I asked them to say a friendly YOU as in Slovak we make difference in it. I have always been a teacher for them and I'd like to be more than a teacher, maybe a friend as I am not their teacher anymore! They study at secondary school and thanks to God they do not forget...
This photo represents another wonderful moment. My little niece Paulínka paid attention to me not only during the moment of taking this photo, but when she was sitting on my knees, she wasn't crying at all. And this time we really broke a time record. One week later, Paulínka met a little Majky and it was astonishing to watch them how these little creatures were communicating together. And finally a goulash party was an agreeable moment how to open our garden season in here.
V máji tradične dostanem zopár milých darčekov. Aj tento rok bol jeden krajší ako druhý, ale dnes chcem napísať pár slov o špeciálnych darčekových momentoch. Úplne prvým bola kávička a koktail na potykanie si s Viki a Soňou, ktoré ani prvým rokom na strednej nezabúdajú.
No a táto fotka, to je ten ďalší nezabudnuteľný okamih - moja malá neterka Paulínka mi darovala nielen spoločnú fotku, ale najmä asi hodinovú pozornosť bez plaču! Týždeň na to sa stretla s malým Majkym a bola som užasnutá, ako tie dve malé stvorenia spolu komunikovali. Bodkou za všetkým bolo príjemné otvorenie záhradnej sezóny - gulášové posedenie.
May is quite a good month, because the spring is fully presents in our lives. We can smell blooming trees, herbs and grass in the air, however all the school chidren and as well as everybody working in the education will surely agree that we can also feel the coming end of the school year in the air!
In May, I usually get few Bday presents. Everty time nice and lovely. But I'd like to write about special Bday moments right now. The 1st special moment was a coffee meeting with Viki and Soňa during which I asked them to say a friendly YOU as in Slovak we make difference in it. I have always been a teacher for them and I'd like to be more than a teacher, maybe a friend as I am not their teacher anymore! They study at secondary school and thanks to God they do not forget...
This photo represents another wonderful moment. My little niece Paulínka paid attention to me not only during the moment of taking this photo, but when she was sitting on my knees, she wasn't crying at all. And this time we really broke a time record. One week later, Paulínka met a little Majky and it was astonishing to watch them how these little creatures were communicating together. And finally a goulash party was an agreeable moment how to open our garden season in here.
Posezení vypadá skvěle, hned bych se přidala.