I do it my way - Our wooden terrace
Vonkajšia obývačka
Keď sme stavali dom, mali sme len jeden cieľ ohľadom vonkajšieho priestoru: mať terasu. Postupne sa črtala na severnej strane domu a stalo sa z nej obľúbené miesto, vonkajšia obývačka, kde je príjemne v čase horúčav. Je väčšia ako jednoizbový byt a akurát, keď chceme pozvať priateľov na opekačku.
Nový kútik na sedenie ♥
Raz, keď sme boli v Španielsku, naši známi servírovali raňajky na terase pred domom, poobedňajšiu kávičku na terase pri kuchyni, večeru v záhrade. A tak, kade sme chodili, som si začala všímať, koľko takýchto sedacích zákutí ľudia majú okolo domu.
A je to!
Keď už prišiel čas na úpravu priestoru pred domom, kde bol betón, svah a žiadna rovina, napadlo ma, že drevená terasa je dobrý nápad. A tu je výsledok. O nápad som sa postarala ja, ale bez môjho manžela by to nešlo. On to všetko urobil.
♥ ♥ ♥
The ourdoor living room
When we were building our house, we only had one aim as for the outdoor space: to have a terrace. Gradually, it was formed on the northern side of the house and it became our favourite place, an outdoor living room, where it is the best place to stay during hot summer weather. It is bigger than one-room flat and it is just big enough when we want to invite friends for barbecue.
A new sitting corner ♥
Once, we were in Spain and our friends served the breakfast on a terrace in front of the house, then afternoon coffee on a terrace near the kitchen and the dinner was served in the garden. So, everywhere we went, I started to notice, how many sitting corners people have got near their houses.
That´s it!
When it was time to arrange our outdoor space in front of the house, where you could find concrete, slope and no plain, it occurred to me that a wooden terrace is a good idea. And here is the result. The idea was mine, but without my husband I couldn´t do anything. He made it all.
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