Days in the south of Spain
Po dňoch strávených v Andalúzii sme späť v našej realite - bez mora a bez 40°C teplôt. Posunuli sme sa o nejakých 3000 km severovýchodne do stredu Európy, aby sme si užili ešte slovenské augustové dni.
Bolo nám úžasne, pretože sme veľa videli a veľa prešli. Dokonca sme si aj dosť oddýchli. Vstávali sme až o 9.00 (niet sa čo čudovať, keďže východ slnka je tam posunutý), no a stihli sme si užiť aj more a pláže, pretože španielsky zvyk sa v tomto odlišuje od zvyku ľudí dovolenkujúcich v Chorvátsku... na pláž nikdy neprichádzajú skoro ráno (keď sa povie 'temprano'… nie je to nikdy pred 10.00!) a zase aj o ôsmej či deviatej večer sú ľudia ešte na pláži a zabávajú sa s priateľmi, rodinou, či deťmi. Na pláži v Calahonde sme stihli postaviť z kamienkov dve plážové príšerky, možno ich niekto na druhý deň našiel a pohľad na ne vyčaril úsmev na tvári. Každý deň sme tiež ochutnávali nejaké tie španielske dobroty, tropické ovocie a dary mora. Tak snáď sme si doplnili deficit vitamínov, omega 3 mastných kyselín a všakovakých zdravých látok z čerstvého ovocia a rýb. Dotkli sme sa očami Granady, Cordoby i Málagy, chodili sme krížom-krížom ulicami a zákutiami mestečiek na Costa Tropical.
A teraz nás tie spomienky na úžasnú Andalúziu hrejú pri srdci. Trini, vďaka!
Proste sa treba naučiť aj oddychovať. Toto je ten náš spôsob: zažiť, vidieť, dozvedieť sa, zistiť, ochutnať atď.
Ps. Vždy, keď sa blíži čas odchodu na cestu, mám výčitky svedomia. Ešte treba doma urobiť to, aj tamto, z každého kúta vykukuje niečo, do čoho by sa oplatilo investovať viac ako do cesty... Prečo nesedím doma!? Ale najmä na jar cítim vo vzduchu potrebu vypadnúť - zažiť a vidieť. Vtedy vznikajú plány na cesty v lete. Našťastie potom, po návrate z cesty, na ktorú sa mi v deň odchodu ani nechcelo, je rozhodnutie cestovať vždy tým najlepším!
After days spent in Andalusia we are back in our reality - without sea and without 40°C. We moved about 3000 kms direction north-east in the middle of Europe to enjoy also August days in Slovakia.
We loved it in Spain because we could see a lot and we could also stay in many places. And more, we could relax a great deal. We got up at 9.00 (the sunrise is put forward as we are more on the west, of course), however we had time to enjoy the sea and the beaches there because Spanish custom related to beaches is different from the other people´s custom spending days at the seaside in Croatia... they never come to the beach very soon (when they say "temprano"... it´s never before 10.00!), but at 8 or 9 o´clock in the evening people are still on the beach having fun with their friends, families and children. We built two nice beach monsters on the beach in Calahonda, maybe someone found them and they made him/her smile. Every single day we tasted some Spanish delicacy, tropical and sea fruit. So, I guess, we were able to complete our deficit of vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and other healthy matters from fruit and fish.
We touched Granada, Cordoba and Málaga by our eyes, we were crossing the streets and we were walking through the recesses on Costa Tropical towns.
And now these moments from a wonderful Andalusia come up and warm the cockles on the heart. Trini, thank you so much!
Simply said, it is necessary to learn how to relax. This is our way: live, see, learn, find out, taste etc.
Ps. Always when the time of leaving home is here, my voice of conscience talks to me loudly. At home, there are plenty of things waiting to be done. Maybe I should put money into these things looking down at me from every corner rather than spend money on travelling... Why won´t I stay at home?! However, especially in spring time, I can feel the sense of travelling in the air, I need to go anywhere - live it and see it. So this is the moment when all our travelling plans are born. Fortunately, after coming back at home, I see the decision of travelling as the best one!
ps. 1.obrázok/picture no.1 - Salobrena
2.obrázok/picture no.2 - Fragiliana
3.obrázok/picture no.3 - Almunecar
Bolo nám úžasne, pretože sme veľa videli a veľa prešli. Dokonca sme si aj dosť oddýchli. Vstávali sme až o 9.00 (niet sa čo čudovať, keďže východ slnka je tam posunutý), no a stihli sme si užiť aj more a pláže, pretože španielsky zvyk sa v tomto odlišuje od zvyku ľudí dovolenkujúcich v Chorvátsku... na pláž nikdy neprichádzajú skoro ráno (keď sa povie 'temprano'… nie je to nikdy pred 10.00!) a zase aj o ôsmej či deviatej večer sú ľudia ešte na pláži a zabávajú sa s priateľmi, rodinou, či deťmi. Na pláži v Calahonde sme stihli postaviť z kamienkov dve plážové príšerky, možno ich niekto na druhý deň našiel a pohľad na ne vyčaril úsmev na tvári. Každý deň sme tiež ochutnávali nejaké tie španielske dobroty, tropické ovocie a dary mora. Tak snáď sme si doplnili deficit vitamínov, omega 3 mastných kyselín a všakovakých zdravých látok z čerstvého ovocia a rýb. Dotkli sme sa očami Granady, Cordoby i Málagy, chodili sme krížom-krížom ulicami a zákutiami mestečiek na Costa Tropical.
A teraz nás tie spomienky na úžasnú Andalúziu hrejú pri srdci. Trini, vďaka!
Proste sa treba naučiť aj oddychovať. Toto je ten náš spôsob: zažiť, vidieť, dozvedieť sa, zistiť, ochutnať atď.
Ps. Vždy, keď sa blíži čas odchodu na cestu, mám výčitky svedomia. Ešte treba doma urobiť to, aj tamto, z každého kúta vykukuje niečo, do čoho by sa oplatilo investovať viac ako do cesty... Prečo nesedím doma!? Ale najmä na jar cítim vo vzduchu potrebu vypadnúť - zažiť a vidieť. Vtedy vznikajú plány na cesty v lete. Našťastie potom, po návrate z cesty, na ktorú sa mi v deň odchodu ani nechcelo, je rozhodnutie cestovať vždy tým najlepším!
After days spent in Andalusia we are back in our reality - without sea and without 40°C. We moved about 3000 kms direction north-east in the middle of Europe to enjoy also August days in Slovakia.
We loved it in Spain because we could see a lot and we could also stay in many places. And more, we could relax a great deal. We got up at 9.00 (the sunrise is put forward as we are more on the west, of course), however we had time to enjoy the sea and the beaches there because Spanish custom related to beaches is different from the other people´s custom spending days at the seaside in Croatia... they never come to the beach very soon (when they say "temprano"... it´s never before 10.00!), but at 8 or 9 o´clock in the evening people are still on the beach having fun with their friends, families and children. We built two nice beach monsters on the beach in Calahonda, maybe someone found them and they made him/her smile. Every single day we tasted some Spanish delicacy, tropical and sea fruit. So, I guess, we were able to complete our deficit of vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and other healthy matters from fruit and fish.
We touched Granada, Cordoba and Málaga by our eyes, we were crossing the streets and we were walking through the recesses on Costa Tropical towns.
And now these moments from a wonderful Andalusia come up and warm the cockles on the heart. Trini, thank you so much!
Simply said, it is necessary to learn how to relax. This is our way: live, see, learn, find out, taste etc.
Ps. Always when the time of leaving home is here, my voice of conscience talks to me loudly. At home, there are plenty of things waiting to be done. Maybe I should put money into these things looking down at me from every corner rather than spend money on travelling... Why won´t I stay at home?! However, especially in spring time, I can feel the sense of travelling in the air, I need to go anywhere - live it and see it. So this is the moment when all our travelling plans are born. Fortunately, after coming back at home, I see the decision of travelling as the best one!
ps. 1.obrázok/picture no.1 - Salobrena
2.obrázok/picture no.2 - Fragiliana
3.obrázok/picture no.3 - Almunecar
view from Salobrena Castle
The Balcony of Europe in Nerja
Salobrena Castle
our two beach monsters in Calahonda
Mojito on the beach in Calahonda

on the way from Carlota to Málaga near Antequerra
Málaga Cathédral
Málaga Square
El Pimpi in Málaga
El Pimpi in Málaga
sea food in El Tintero Restaurant on the beach in Málaga
Motril Cathédral
avocado tree near Motril
Paella and Sangria near Motril
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