My first month without gluten
Najskôr som mala opakovanú gastrofibroskopiu.
Utrápili ma, to bol veru masaker.
Vhupla som do toho presne na druhý deň po mojich narodeninách. Ešte pred 40-tkou :-) Po zákroku ma nechali ešte ležať na posteli a po lícach sa mi
kotúľali tiché slzy. Nebol to plač, len také dozvuky po zákroku, ktorý
bolo treba zvládnuť. Vzorky z krvi pozitívne, genetika tiež, uvidíme, čo
vyjde teraz. Keby som nebola mala lymfoproliferatívne ochorenie (NON HODGKINOV LYMFÓM) v
minulosti, asi by sa nad mojimi výsledkami až tak nezamýšľali... lenže
teraz to je iné.
Po zákroku mi bolo zle, v bruchu kŕče, slabosť, musela
som si ľahnúť a pospať. Prvýkrát to trvalo pár minút, ale teraz sa lekár s odberom vzoriek viac pohral. Doma nič bezlepkové, ešteže ma kamarátka
vybavila bezlepkovými tyčinkami, tie ma zachránili prvý deň.
Hlad bol zažehnaný.
Na druhý
deň som v obchode nekúpila bezlepkový chlieb. "Chodí, mávame ho každý
deň, ale rýchlo sa vykúpi." Naďabila som aspoň na kukuričné piškóty
(MŇAM) a bezlepkové párky a doma ma čakala paradajková polievka s ryžou
namiesto cestovín. Tú zbožňujem od malička.
brucha od prvého dňa ustúpili, čítam dôsledne etikety na výrobkoch,
zistila som, kde sa dá kúpiť bezlepkových chlieb aj o ôsmej večer a po
večeroch čítam knihu Bez lepku a chutne. Zisťujem, čo všetko sa má týka a
prehliadala som to.
Piatok bola veľká skúška vôle.
V škole sme mali
akciu a kolegyňa doniesla upečené koláče... Bežne by som neodolala, ale
ja som to, s vidinou dôsledkov porušovania špeciálnej stravy, dala!!!
Prešlo pár dní a ja sa zatiaľ držím.
Zatiaľ neprišli chvíle plaču ,
ako mi bolo avizované. Možno to ešte príde. Mám premiérovo za sebou
návštevu Obvoďáka. S receptami na jeden bezlepkový mesiac som sa vybrala
do lekárne. Tá naša je najlepšia, má naozaj úžasný výber. Super, že je tak blízko. Odchádzala som s plnou
taškou: ryžové cestoviny, lúpačky, múka na halušky, múka na sladké
koláče, nejaké citrónové doboštičky z Liptovského Hrádku, samozrejme
chlebík, zapekacie bagetky od Scharu, a ešte všeličo ostatné. Papiere na
ZŤP sa mi dnes nepodarilo dať vypísať. Vraj mám prísť o dva týždne.
No fasa.
Mamina mi už upiekla
prvú bezlepkovú bublaninu a veru som si na nej pochutnala. Čítam ďalšiu knižku o
bezlepkáčoch. Skrytý lepok mi teraz zamestnáva myseľ asi najviac. Ešte
sa v tom neviem zorientovať, ale snažím sa. Papiere od obvoďáka mám už vypísané. Zase som sa posunulo o krok ďalej. Pišta mi v sobotu urobil bezlepkové halušky a v nedeľu zase vyskúšal fašírky s bezlepkovou strúhankou. Mám za sebou novú skúsenosť: pýtať si jedlo pre celiatika v reštaurácii a v hoteli - boli najozaj zlatí, snažili sa. Už viem, kde robia dobrú bezlepkovú pizzu, aj keď ozajstnú istotu, čo jem mám najviac zatiaľ doma. Už viem, ako sa pečie s bezlepkovou múkou. V nedeľu som robila dva druhy bábovky (rozumej jednu normálnu a jednu bezlepkovú). Chuť trochu iná, konzistencia hutnejšia, ale objavujem nové chute. Medzitým sa opäť dostavili hnačky. Po mesiaci bezlepkovej stravy nie je možné povedať, že zrazu je všetko zázračne OK. Tak ideme ďalej...
Firstly, I had a repeated gastrofibroscopie.
They tortured me, it was really a nightmare.
I jumped into GLUTEN FREE DIET exactly the day after my Bday. Still before my 40ies :-) They let me stay in bed lying there after the surgery and my tears were rolling slowly and quietly on my cheeks. I wasn´t crying, it was an after-effect of the surgery which I had to undergo. The blood results positive, genetics results as well. What will arrive now? If I hadn´t had a lymphoproliferative disease (Non Hodgkin Lymphoma) in the past, maybe my results wouldn´t be so bad, but it is completely different now. I felt sick after the surgery. The first time it was quick, but no now. It lasted long-long-long, the doctor paid a special attention to the sampling. Later, I had cramps in my belly, I felt weak and I had to go to bed and sleep. Nothing gluten free at home. Luckily, my friend saved me with gluten free grissini.
Hunger averted.
The next day, I didn´t buy any gluten free bread in the shop. "We have it every day, but it is bought up quickly." I was lucky to find some corn sponge biscuits (YUMMY!) and gluten free frankfurters. At home, tomato soup with rice instead of pasta was waiting for me. I love it and I have been loving it since my childhood!
My stomach ache from the day before moved away, I am strictly reading labels on the goods, I found out where to buy gluten free bread even at 8p.m. and I am reading a book "Without gluten and tasty" during my evenings. I am discovering the things that concern me and that I have been ignoring before.
Friday - a big challenge
At work, we had an event and my colleague came with some sweets and home made cakes... Usually, I wouldn´t say "NO, thank you.", but having visions related to cancer, I came to say it!!!
Days are passing and I keep going.
The moments of crying haven´t arrived yet, however everybody tells me that they will come. Maybe they will. I have already been to my GP. With all those prescriptions for gluten free food for one month I went to the pharmacy. This pharmacy is the best one with a wide choice. You can find there everything you need. I am lucky to have it nearby. I left with a bag full of rice pastas, sweet bread, a kind of flour for cakes, another one for gnocchi, some lemon biscuits made in Liptovský Hrádok, some bread of course, baguettes made by Schar and some other things.
Oh Gosh!
My mum baked me a gluten free sponge cake and it was delicious. I am reading another book about coeliac. A hidden gluten is keeping me busy. I have to familiarize with it but it is not easy. My GP gave me papers about my health for a social office. It has started moving a little bit. Last Saturday, my hubby made me Slovak national food "halušky" with a gluten free flour and a day later he made meat farces with gluten free breadcrumbs. I have got another experience as well: to ask for gluten free meal in a restaurant and in a hotel - they were so kind and made really an effort. I know where to go to have a tasty pizza for coeliac. However, the real certainty is when the meal is prepared at home. And on Sunday I baked two kinds of marble cake. The taste is a little bit different, the consistency denser, but I am discovering new flavor. However, after a month without gluten it is not possible to say that everything is miraculously OK. Diarrhoea still presents, but we continue...
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