Cambridge by my eyes

Po akademickej stránke ponúka Cambridge svetovo preslávané prostredie, a tak, keď sa mestom, vzdialeným od Londýna cca 80km prechádzate, máte zvláštny pocit, že kedysi sa tu tiež prechádzal Newton, Darwin, či Woolfová, alebo by ste tu nedajbože mohli natrafiť na Emmu Tompsonovú, či univerzitného profesora matematiky Stephena Hawkinga.
♥ As for the academic tradition, Cambridge offers a world famous environment, so when your are walking through the town which is only cca 80kms far away from London, you have got a strange feeling that in the past even Newton, Darwin or Mrs. Woolf were walking in the same streets or, my goodness, you can meet Emma Tompson, or Maths professor Stephen Hawking there, too.
 Určite nepotrebujete "guided tour", aby ste si užili centrum mesta. Prechádzka mestom stredovekých budov stojí za to v každom počasí. Dostať sa do Colleges, ktorých je v rámci Cambridgskej univerzity 31, nie je však až tak jednoduché, ale dá sa to. Teraz vám možno pomôže sprievodca :-) Za návštevu stojí knižnica s originálom Macka Pu od Milneho (vyštudoval matematiku v Cambridge), kaplnka King´s College ponúka stíšenie skôr, ako sa ocitnete na lokálnom trhu.
♥ Surely, you don't need any "guided tour" to enjoy the city centre. A walk among the medieval buildings is worth being done anytime and it doesn't matter what's the weather like. Visiting Colleges which Cambridge University counts 31, is not so easy, but it is possible to manage it. Now, maybe a guide will help you :-) The library with the Winnie-the-Pooh manuscript written by Milne (BTW he studied Maths in Cambridge University) is worth a visit or go to the King's College Chapel to calm down before you find yourself in the middle of the local market.
King´s College patrí medzi najstaršie College. Bola založená Henrichom VI. v 15.storočí. Uvidíte tu vitrážové sklá, Rubensove veľdielo, ale aj najväčšiu vejárovitú klenbu. Práve v čase, keď sme tam prišli, chystala sa BBC natáčať koncert. Ktovie, možno ten slávny Štedrovečerný :-)
♥ King´s College is one of the oldest Colleges. It was founded by Henry VI in the 15th century.  You can see there stained-glass windows, Rubens´s masterpiece, but also the biggest fan-vault ceiling. Just when we arrived, the BBC was preparing for making a concert. Who knows, maybe that famous Christmas Eve´s one.
Keď som už spomínala King´s College, treba spomenúť aj Trinity College, ktorá bola založená v 16.storočí Henrichom VIII. Jeho socha sa nachádza aj nad vstupnou bránou, takže to neminiete. Vznikla zlúčením dvoch pôvodných colleges, ktoré fungovali od prvej polovice 14.storočia. Wrenova knižnica je súčasťou Trinity College a je otvorená aj pre verejnosť. Sir Christopher Wren, mimo iného architekt londýnskej katedrály St. Paul´s, navrhol budovu, ale aj nábytok a priestory knižnice koncom 17.storočia. Trinity je domovom 32 nositeľov Nobelových cien, a to najviac za fyziku.
♥ When I mentionned King´s College, I have to mention Trinity College as well. It was founded in the 16th century by Henry VIII. His statue can be seen over the gateway, so you can be sure not to miss it.  It started by the union of two former colleges which were ran from the early 14th century. Wren Library is a part of Trinity College and it is opened for public. Sir Christopher Wren, by the way the architect of the St. Paul´s, designed the building, but also the furniture and the rooms of the library at the end of the 17th century. Trinity is a home of 32 laureates of Nobel Prize.
Veslárske preteky medzi univerzitami Oxford a Cambridge sú známe asi viac ako Punting (plavenie sa na pramici) na rieke Cam. Už pri príchode, či to bolo v júni alebo vo februári, stáli zástupcovia a ponúkali nám previesť sa na loďkách. Punting umožňuje vychutnať si krásu mesta z rieky a je to obľúbený spôsob trávenia voľného času a relaxu už od začiatku 20-tych rokov minulého storočia.
♥ Rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities are probably more famous than Punting on the river Cam. At our arrival, whether in June or in February, we were offered to take a punt. Punting allows people to enjoy the beauty of the town from the river and it has been a favourite way how to spend a free time and relax since the early 1920s.


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