Country Delight
Potešenie z vidieka je názov jedného druhu srdiečok, ktoré vyrábam už zopár rokov. Predná strana je patchworková, najčastejšie v požadovaných farbách. Zadná strana je väčšinou z jedného kusu látky, buď jednofarebná alebo s drobným motívom.
Country Delight is a name for some handmade hearts I started to sew few years ago. The front side is a patchwork side, mainly respecting the colours. Another side is made from one kind of the fabric, either unicolour or with little pattern, motive.
Country Delight is a name for some handmade hearts I started to sew few years ago. The front side is a patchwork side, mainly respecting the colours. Another side is made from one kind of the fabric, either unicolour or with little pattern, motive.

The name of these hearts is related to a feeling I had during the sewing. The sun was shining outside and I could hear the lawnmowers from nearly every garden (almost the countryside). The lorries passing along the main route to Poland or the Czech Republic didn´t even disturb the weekend peace. We live nearby the 5th biggest Slovak town, we are a suburb of a smaller town which is only 3kms far away and our living here is like a living in the countryside, although the throbbing town is nearby. I can´t forget the hills, meadows, but also some bears and deer behind our garden. Maybe that´s why I feel at home like being non-stop on holidays. So, the COUNTRY DELIGHT was made in this ambience. 2 of them went to the Czech Republic during the recent bloggers´ exchange. If my Country Delight is suitable for your living, write me back. ♥

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