My special beginning - my springtime
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Neobišla ma chrípka, to bolo ešte vo februári, keď som ju chytila (alebo ona chytila mňa, neviem), teploty neskôr vystriedali priedušky, astmatické dýchanie (jasne, že úplne nezdravé), spreje, kvapky do nosa a maste na hrudník, pretože to mi naozaj pomáha. Cítila som sa vyčerpaná, únava, snáď len tá jarná, prišla tiež, tentokrát sa do mňa zahryzla a nechcela sa pustiť. Viac ako dva týždne som chodila z práce domov a zaspávala so šálkou poobedňajšej kávy v ruke. Ale pomaly a pomaly sa z toho dostávam a s teplejšímí jarnými dňami sa mi vracia aj energia. Dúfajme! Mimochodom, všetkým krásny apríl.
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The flu didn´t pass around me, it was in February when I caught it (or when it caught me, I don´t know), fever was replaced by bronchitis, asthmatic breathing (of course - totally unhealthy), sprays, nose drops and even lard creams on my chest, because this is what really helps me.I felt exhausted, it was maybe only the spring fatigue, it caught me and got its teeth into my body and soul and it didn´t want to let me go. It took more than 2 weeks, I came home from work and almost every time I felt asleep with my cup of afternoon coffee in my hand. I am getting out of all these problems slowly and slowly and with all those gently warm spring days my energy is coming back. I hope so. By the way, happy April to everybody.
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