Our Easter days

Čo viac si môže dnešný človek priať, ako pozastavenie v zhone všedných dní. Je jedno, či niekde vycestujeme, alebo ostaneme len tak doma užívať si domácu pohodu. Zbožňujem chvíle, keď ráno skoro vstanem, ale nemusím sa ponáhľať do práce, môžem si dať kávu a znova zdriemnuť. Pozastavenie, to nám poskytujú aj veľkonočné sviatky, sviatky jari.

What else can today´s human being desire? Setting back during the rush days. Never mind if you travel somewhere or if you stay at home enjoying your home sweet home moments. I love those moments of getting up early when I don´t have to be in a hurry and when I can enjoy my morning cup of coffee and then take a little nap again. Easter and these festive spring days allow us to slow down. 
Aké boli tie tohtoročné? Milé. V znamení maľovania vajíčok a maľovacích seáns u nás doma. Môj manžel musel chvíľu zniesť, že jedálenský stôl okupujú voskovky, farby a 2-platnička... že obed sa bude servírovať až po ich odsunutí nabok. Niektoré seansy boli plánované, iné nečakané. Všetky milé a niekoľkohodinové. Boli to však chvíle, kedy sme sa nemuseli sústrediť a premýšľať nad zbytočnosťami, ale len nad ťahmi špendlíkom.

What about this year? Easter time was lovely. There were some painting sessions in our house. We painted Easter eggs as you can see on the photos. My hubby had to tolerate that our dining table was full of colours, wax crayons and double hotplates... that our lunch could be served only after moving them away. Some sessions were planned, some others no. Every session was nice and they lasted for few hours. There were moments when we didn´t have to think about useless things. The only important thing was to be concentrated on moving the pin.
Cez víkend volal brácho, že by prišli na veľkonočný pondelok. Fíha, fajn, dobre, budem rada. V noci ma napadla myšlienka. Keďže zo šibačky profitujú zväčša len chlapci, usporiadam malej Paulínke britský zážitok - hľadanie vajíčok na záhrade. Tých maľovaných bolo dosť a Kinderko, ktoré našla, jej aj tak zjedol tata. Oplatilo sa. Tá radosť v jej očiach pri nájdení vajíčok bola obrovská! Veľkonočný zajačik, alias Pišta (môj manžel) ich veľmi dobre ukryl a Kubelo (alias môj brácho) bol Paulínke nápomocný ako radca. A k tomu objavila na záhrade kopec žltých kvietkov. Aj to s počíta do splnených snov dievčat, keď sú malé.

During the weekend my brother called they would come on Easter Monday. Waw, fine, all right, I´ll surely be happy. At night an idea came to my mind. Knowing that especially boys enjoy Easter Monday in our country, I decided to prepare a British adventure to Pauline, my little niece - Easter egg hunt. I had lots of painted eggs and ... anyway, chocolate Kinder Surprise she found was eaten by her dad. It was worth it. The joy we could see in her eyes when she found an egg was enormous. Easter bunny alias my hubby hid them away perfectly and Kubelo (my bro) was a good helper to little Pauline. And much more, she found lots of yellow flowers in the garden. This also counts among the little girls´dreams which came true. 
Keby som nebola vyzbierala kašky, bola by záhrada ešte zltšia. Ale tie som si nemohla nechať ujsť kvôli mojim neposlušným prieduškám. K tomu pesto z medvedieho cesnaku a trošku vody od šibačov, toto všetko by mi mohlo zaručiť kvapku zdravia, hm?

If I hadn´t collected any cowslips, the garden would have been yellower. But I couldn´t resist because of my respiratory problems. And I also made a bear garlic pesto. With a little water thrown from the boys on Easter Monday (a Slovak tradition), this could help me to become healthier, couldn´t it?

V sobotu neskoro večer som ešte vyleštila kuchyňu, dokonca som olejom ponatierala pracovnú dosku, aby vyzerala tiptop. Skúsila som tento rok upiecť české "Jidáše", urobila som len jediný koláč - tvarohový s kiwi. Barančeka som dostala od maminy, ktorá ho robí vo forme po našej starkej. Takže symbolika zaručená. A výborné punčové sú dielom Pistovej mamy.

On Saturday, late at nigh, I polished my kitchen using the oil which I spread on the kitchen board. I wanted it looks fine, of course. I tried to bake the Czech traditional Easter pastries called "Jidáše", I made one more cake - cream cheese with kiwi. My mum brought us a traditional lamb cake. She makes it using the lamb cake mold inherited from my grandma, so the symbolism was guaranteed. A delicious punch cakes were made by my hubby´s mum.
Choďte teda, učte všetky národy a krstite ich v mene Otca i Syna, i Ducha Svätého a naučte ich zachovávať všetko, čo som vám prikázal. A hľa, ja som s vami po všetky dni až do skončenia sveta.“
Mt. 28, 19-20 

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.“ Matthew 28:19-20


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