One winter morning
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Vybrali sme sa cez víkend do Oravskej Lesnej. Myšlienka odísť skoro ráno, keď je voľný deň a práca nás nenúti vstávať, sa mi na začiatku moc nepáčila. Tak som sa radšej nad tým dlho nezamýšľala a veci som si nachystala už večer vopred.
Ráno ušlo, hnala ma automatika z pracovných dní. Budík zazvonil 6h05. Mala som čas pripraviť čaj do termosky, v kľude sa naraňajkovať a tiež si vypiť kávu, čo je skôr nezvyčajné.
Keď sme už sedeli v aute, už to bolo celé v pohode. Cestou som sa učila
na test zo španielčiny a keď sme prechádzali lesným priechodom medzi
Kysucami a Oravou, uvedomila som si, aké to je pekné ráno a dobrý začiatok dňa.
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We set out for a journey to Oravská Lesná at the weekend. I didn´t like the thought of leaving early in the morning as it was a free day out of the work. So an evening before I better prepared everything and I decided not to worry about it a lot.
The morning wasn´t so bad, I was pushed automatically by the force of habit from the week days. The alarm clock rang at 6h05. I had enough time to prepare some tea into a vacuum bottle, to have breakfast tranquilly and I even had time to drink my morning coffee which is not so usual.
When we were sitting in the car, everything was all right. I was studying Spanish for a coming Spanish test the next day. When we were passing by the forest between Kysuca and Orava region I realized that it was a beautiful morning to begin the day.
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