the 17th November
No aj tak, keď sme išli nasledujúce ráno po kľudnej ulici do školy, mamina s obavou povedala: "Sú to veľké chvíle, len aby z toho nebola vojna!" Našťastie tieto udalosti prebehli nežne. A vďaka nim sa do môjho života dostala francúzština, angličtina a tiež som si mohla už ako teenager užívať slobodu cestovania i prejavu. To moji rodičia nemohli.
Až neskôr som sa dozvedela, aké ťažké to bolo pre rebelujúcich ľudí, ako zasahovala štátna bezpečnosť proti ľudským právam, aký komplikovaný bol život v cirkvi, aké majstrovstvo bolo vyštudovať za učiteľa (mimo komunistickej strany) v tej dobe, prečo sa básnici podriaďovali socialistického realizmu...
Tak si vážme slobodu, ktorú máme, a pokúšajme sa o zmeny od seba. Aj tie malé v našom okolí môžu priniesť veľké výsledky!
I was a little girl and I already went to school when the historical changes happened in our country... I remember my parents in front of the TV watching demonstration in Bratislava, shoots and scenes from Prague, rattling keys in human hands, enthusiasm of people feeling cold in the squares, speeches of actors and any other men and women not very famous to me at that time. They had a gleam of hope in their eyes. However, when we were walking to school along the quiet street the next morning, my mum said anxiously: These are big moments, hope there won't be any war! Fortunetely, these events happened "tenderly". Thanks to it, French and English could come into my life. As a teenager I even could enjoy a freedom of travelling and talking my opinion! My parents couldn't.
Later I found out how difficult it was for people in rebellion, how the national state security infringed upon people's rights, how complicated the life of priests was, what kind of masterfulness it was to become a teacher (outside the communist party) , why the poets submitted the social realism in their master pieces...
So, let's appreciate the freedom we have and regard it highly! Try to do some changes and start with yourself. Even small changes in our surroundings can bring big results!
Tak si vážme slobodu, ktorú máme, a pokúšajme sa o zmeny od seba. Aj tie malé v našom okolí môžu priniesť veľké výsledky!
I was a little girl and I already went to school when the historical changes happened in our country... I remember my parents in front of the TV watching demonstration in Bratislava, shoots and scenes from Prague, rattling keys in human hands, enthusiasm of people feeling cold in the squares, speeches of actors and any other men and women not very famous to me at that time. They had a gleam of hope in their eyes. However, when we were walking to school along the quiet street the next morning, my mum said anxiously: These are big moments, hope there won't be any war! Fortunetely, these events happened "tenderly". Thanks to it, French and English could come into my life. As a teenager I even could enjoy a freedom of travelling and talking my opinion! My parents couldn't.
Later I found out how difficult it was for people in rebellion, how the national state security infringed upon people's rights, how complicated the life of priests was, what kind of masterfulness it was to become a teacher (outside the communist party) , why the poets submitted the social realism in their master pieces...
So, let's appreciate the freedom we have and regard it highly! Try to do some changes and start with yourself. Even small changes in our surroundings can bring big results!
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