Autumn nearly here

Jeseň pred dverami... v sobotu u nás poriadne pršalo, tak som sa opäť pustila do šitia (tieto sivo-žlté domčeky o tom svedčia), no a dnes, keď som sa vrátila zo španielčiny, som si uvedomila, že už zase prišiel čas sviečok.
Mám síce radšej slnko, ale teploty ku 35°C nie sú pre mňa. Babie leto je úžasné, ale keď nemusím ráno vstávať do práce, poteší ma aj dážď a sneh.
The autumn is awaiting in front of the door... on Saturday, it rained heavily, so I started sewing again ( I made these grey and yellow houses) and today, when I came back home from my Spanish lessons, I realized that the time of candles is here, over and over. 
I prefer sunny days, of course, however the temperature reaching 35°C is not my cup of coffee. Indian summer is a wonderful season, but when I don't have to get up and go to work, I can enjoy perfectly rainy days and lots of snow as well.


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