Alhambra - Granada - Spain
Už je to pár dní, čo sme sa s manželom túlali po Andalúzii. Užívali sme si tropické dni, ale aj noci, najmä na Costa Tropical, ale stihli sme zbehnúť aj do vnútrozemia. Svedčí o tom naša piatková návšteva Alhambry v Granade, ktorá sa nachádza 45min. od mesta Motril.
Ani tropické teploty, ktoré v Andalúzii v lete vládnu, nebránia turistom pokochať sa skvostom maurského staviteľstva. Alhambra Maurom patrila až do roku 1492, kedy posledný maurský vládca odovzdal kľúče od Granady katolíckym vládcom Izabele Kastílskej a Ferdinandovi Aragónskemu (tzv. Reyes Cathólicos), ktorí považovali Granadu za svoj najväčší triumf.
Alhambra ponúka zážitok spojenia moslimskej a kresťanskej kultúry. Ponúka niečo, čo je pre väčšinu ľudí dych vyrážajúcim zážitkom: ornamenty bez kvetov, človeka a zvierat v súlade s Koránom, štíhle zdobené stĺpy, množstvo fontán, krásne záhrady plné kvetov a v lete žiadúce tiene stromov. Orient v paláci Nazaries, či nečakaný renesančný palác kráľa Karola V. Najstaršou stavbou celého komplexu je Alcazaba. Jej vojenský charakter je cítiť hneď, ako tam človek vojde. Z jej veže sa však ponúka krásny výhľad na Granadu - mesto pod štítmi Sierry Nevady, ako aj Albaicín - štvrť učupených bielych domov zvaných los carmenes a dávna štvrť arabských remeselníkov. Dosť bolo slov. Alhambra aspoň v obrázkoch tu je pre vás.
Ps. Costa Tropical sa nachádza na východ od Málagy a práve tu zvyknú tráviť leto Španieli. Costa Tropical je narozdiel od Costa de Sol akoby viac španielska.
Me and my husband were wandering around and across Andalousie few days ago. We were enjoying tropical days and nights especially on Costa Tropical in the south of Spain, but we also had time to go inland, because we have never wanted to stay only on the beach. Our Friday visit of Alhambra in Granada, which is only 45mn. far away from Motril, shows it well.
Ps. Costa Tropical sa nachádza na východ od Málagy a práve tu zvyknú tráviť leto Španieli. Costa Tropical je narozdiel od Costa de Sol akoby viac španielska.
Me and my husband were wandering around and across Andalousie few days ago. We were enjoying tropical days and nights especially on Costa Tropical in the south of Spain, but we also had time to go inland, because we have never wanted to stay only on the beach. Our Friday visit of Alhambra in Granada, which is only 45mn. far away from Motril, shows it well.
Tropical temperature is something very typical in Andalousie. However it doesn't stop tourists to visit Alhambra, the diamond of the Moorish architecture. Alhambra belonged to Moors till 1492 when the last Moorish monarch submitted to pressure of Isabela and Ferdinand known as Reyes Cathólicos. They considered Granada to be their biggest and the most important victory.
Alhambra offers an experience of the fusion. It talks a history of Muslim and Christian cultures. It takes everybody' s breath away: ornaments with no flowers, no human beiings and no animals in accordance with Coran, thin and well decorated columns, lots of fountains everywhere, lovely gardens full of flowers and trees that are desired especially during the summer hot hot days. You can visit the orient in Nazaries palace or unexpected Renaissance Carol V. palace. Alcazaba is the oldest part of the buildings. Its millitary caracter can be felt immediately when a man enters in. There is a lovely view from its tower. You can see Granada - the town situated side by side the Sierra Nevada Mountains or Albaicín - the town district full of squatting white houses also called los carmenes and a place of Arabian artisans long ago.
I won't tell you more. Here it is, Alhambra in pictures! Enjoy!
Ps. Costa Tropical is situated east from Málaga and lots of Spanish people like to spend their summer here. Costa Tropical is more Spanish than Costa de Sol (west from Málaga).
I won't tell you more. Here it is, Alhambra in pictures! Enjoy!
Ps. Costa Tropical is situated east from Málaga and lots of Spanish people like to spend their summer here. Costa Tropical is more Spanish than Costa de Sol (west from Málaga).
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