I do it my way - Hyssop Syrup

Medzi mojimi bylinkami v záhrade mám aj Yzop. Keď nahodil krásne fialkovo-modré kvety, ktoré lákali včely, začala som rozmýšľať, čo s ním.
Zostrihala som ho, samostatne som si nastrihala kvitnúcu vňať a tú som použila na sirup. Zvyšok nechávam usušiť a bude do čaju.
Nedávno som sa dozvedela, že yzop nie je len proti nadmernému poteniu, ako som stale mala v hlave, ale že pomáha aj ľudom s astmou a pri problémoch s dýchaním - uvoľňuje hlieny a pomáha odkašliavať, čo je teda jednoznačne môj častý problém. Práve Hypokrates sa o ňom zmienil v tejto súvislosti.
V minulosti ho používali najmä na očistu kostolov a bol použitý aj pri vysvätení Westminsterského opátstva, kde sa konajú korunovácie anglických kráľov a princ Wiliam a Kate tam mali sobáš. Bežní ľudia si yzop vešali  v malých snopoch, aby bol ich dom chránený. Yzop sa však používa aj pri varení, jeho mierne horkastá chuť dodáva inú chuť nielen mäsku, lístočky odporúčajú pridať aj do koláčov, ale čo je fajn, zlepšuje trávenie ťažkých jedál. Okrem toho ho môžete pestovať ako okrasnú rastlinku, priláka včely a kvet ju krásne ozdobí, podobne ako levanduľa.

Sirup z yzopu nie je na riedenie vodou, ale v čase problémov je na užívanie - 4 polievkové lyžice denne pre dospelého. Nepoužívame veľké dávky, môžu vyvolať kŕče.

500ml vody a 60 g yzopu zalejeme horúcou vodou a chvíľku povaríme, necháme 4 hodiny luhovať. Ja som pridala aj pár koliečok citróna. Vznikol voňavý výluh ružovkastej farby. Voňala nám celá domácnosť. Pridala som 500g cukru a varila som na miernom ohni a občas premiešavala. Ak by ste dali viac cukru, vznikla by úplne sirupovitá konzistencia, no aj tento bol lahodný na chuť s miernou hustotou. Naliala som ešte teplé do fľaštičiek. Krátko som to aj prevrátila, aby viečko dobre chytilo.

I've got Hyssop among my herbs in the garden. When it started to bloom in purple-blue and lured the bees, I started to think about its treatment.
I cut it and I separately cut the tops with flowers and I used them to make some syrup. I will dry the rest of the plant and it will be ready for tea. Lately, I have found out that Hyssop is not only against the enormous sweating as I knew, but it also helps people with asthma and with respiratory problems - it helps to remove mucus and to expectorate. Definitely it is good to know because I often suffer from it. It is said Hypocrates already told about it.
In the past, people used it to do church cleaning and it was used to consecrate Westminster Abbey where British queens and kings' coronations are held and the prince William and her wife Kate were married there, too.
Ordinary people hang the plant in small sheaves to protect their homes. However, it is also used in cooking, it tastes a little bit bitter which can give another flavour to meat, but some cooks also add it into cakes, although the most important is that it helps to ameliorate the digestion when eating heavy food. Besides its culinary using, it is fine to have it in the garden because its nice little flowers will surely decorate your garden, the bees love them as they love lavender. 

Yzop syrup is to be taken during the problem season (4 soup sp. for an adult a day), it cannot be taken in high quantities and not for a long time. We don' t add any water to be drank, too much of it can cause cramps.

500ml of water and 60 g of Hyssop... Boil some water and pour it on the plant. Boil for few seconds and let it cool for 4 hours. I also added some lemon slices. A well smelled infusion was done, it was pink. The whole home could smell well thanks to it. Then I added 500g of sugar and I let to boil everything for a while... If you add more sugar, the consistency will be more thick. I sometimes stir it. Strain it and pour into bottles or jars. Then I turned the bottles upside down for a while as the lid can be attached better.


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