
Keď som včera miešala odkôstkované višne, pomyslela som si: "Asi som to naozaj zdedila." (a naozaj mám po kom... viacgeneračne)
Kedysi sme s maminou uzatvorili dohodu: ona zavarí a ja upečiem. A spolu si to zakaždým vymeníme. Ale keď človek nechce nechať toľko ovocia pokaziť, napokon sa dá aj na zaváranie! A ešte väčšiu radosť mi robí, ušiť na džem klobúčiky a takú homemade marmeládu darovať priateľom ;)

Ps.ale zaváranie uhoriek a robenie čalamády predsalen nechám na výmenu 😀
Tu je...kráľovná zavárania! 

Yesterday when I was stirring sour cherries, I thought: "I really inherited this from my mum and my grandma." (it is surely handed down from generation to generation, a big heirloom). Once my mum and I, we made an agreement: she would make fruit compote and jams and I would bake cakes and then we would exchange them. However, when you see so much fruit and you don't want to get them worse, so finally you start making jams and compotes, too. And my pleasure grows every time I sew some decorative hats on the jars and it is a real delight when I give my homemade jam as a present to my friends.
Ps. However, putting gherkings into jars and making sour compotes will always be my mum's  pastime 😀 Here you are... The queen of making jams and compotes! 


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