I do it my way - Thyme hand and body cream

Kamarátka ma inšpirovala urobiť si vlastný tymiánový krém, keď mi k narodeninám jeden darovala. Nebol síce handmade, ale úžasne mi pomohol. No a keďže mám vypestovaný svoj tymián, rozhodnutie netrvalo dlho.
Rozohriala som pol litra kokosového oleja a keď bol roztopený, pridala som vetvičky tymiánu. Bol ich plný hrniec a všetky boli ponorené do oleja. Mierne som povarila, pridala som ešte pár kvapiek tea tree oleja. Odstavila a nechala lúhovať do ďalšieho dňa. Opäť som priviedla k varu, pridala som pár kvapiek eukalyptového oleja, precedila a dala do dózičiek. 
Uschovala do ľadničky, pretože v teple sa kokosový olej naozaj zmení na tekutinu.
Tymián mi pomáha pri problémoch s dýchaním, uvoľnuje tlaky na hrudníku vyvolané alergiou.

A friend of mine has inspired me to make my own thyme cream when she gave me one for my Bday. It wasn't hand made, but it helped me a lot. So I was thinking about it and as there is some thyme in my garden, my decision didn't last a long time though. 
Heat some coconut oil, I used 0,5 l of it, when melted, add some branches of thyme. The pot was full and all the branches were submerged into the oil. Boil for a while and add some tea tree oil drops. Let it cool. Another day, boil again, you can add some more oil drops, for ex. eucalypthus and strain it. Then pour into the small jars. 
I put them in the fridge, because the coconut oil usually melts when it is in a hot place. 
Thyme helps me to breathe better and relaxes the tensions that build up in the chest during the allergy season.


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