I do it my way - Sage Syrup

Už som písala, že šalvia je moja najobľúbenejšia bylinka.
Tentokrát som z nej pripravila sirup.
Rozriedený so studenou vodou v lete osvieži... s horúcou vodou v zime zahreje!
A ešte aj pomáha a lieči!
700ml vody a 500g cukru privedieme k varu.
Odstavíme a pridáme lístky šalvie. Tak dve plné hrste.
Opäť krátko povaríme a pridáme plátky citróna.
Necháme cez noc postáť.
Na druhý deň podvečer zase krátko povaríme.
Pripravíme si fľašu na jeho uskladnenie.
Vopred som ju premyla prevarenou horúcou vodou.
Potom som cez sitko naliala sirup do fľaše a uzavrela.
Krátko som fľašu aj prevrátila, aby viečko dobre chytilo.
Po otvorení skladujeme v ľadničke.

Tip: pridajte ku šalviovému aj grepový sirup a zmiešajte s horúcou vodou,
chutná medicína 💛

I have already written that the sage is my favourite herb. 
Few days ago I made some sage syrup.
In summer when the syrup is made with some cold water, it is going to refresh. In winter, with some hot water, it is going to reheat. 

Boil 700ml of water and 500g of sugar.
Then put it away from fire and add sage leaves. 2cupped palms.
Then boil again for a while and add some lemon slices.
Let it cool during the night.
Another day, boil it again. I made it in the evening.
Prepare a bottle and wash it well using the hot water.
Then pour the syrup via strainer into the bottle and close it carefully.
I turned the bottle upside down for a while as the lid can be attached better.
Once you open the bottle, it is better to keep it in the fridge.

Good idea is to add some grapefruit juice into the sage syrup and 
pour some hot water, it' s a tasty medicine 💛


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