Harvesting herbs no.2/2016

Keďže minulý týždeň som sa túlala so žiakmi po Európe, bylinky si mohli nerušene rásť. A naozaj sa krásne rozrástli, takže som zahájila ďaľšiu "oberačku" :-)

Cez týždeň som pozbierala mätu na sušenie, bolo je taaaak veľa, že som ju strihala dve hodiny. No rozhodla som sa ju všetku posušiť, lebo tradične niečo z nej rozdám. Dnes po práci som zase pozbierala šalviu a už dlhšie som uvažovala nad šalviovým sirupom...takže čast išla práve naň. Popri tom všetkom som si stihla medzi bylinkami vypiť kávu a zozbierala som zopár jahôd a reďkovku. Tá je v týchto dňoch súčasťou našich raňajok neustále... pretože je fantastická!

While I was wandering Europe with my pupils last week, my herbs could grow tranquilly. And they really grew beautifully so I could start another harvest :-)
During the week I cut the mint to dry it, there were such a looooot of mint that I was cuttting it for 2hours! However, I wanted to cut it because I usually give some of it as a present to my friends. Today, I decided to cut the sage. I have been thinking about the sage sirup for few weeks, so I used some part of the sage to make it. I also had time to drink coffee among the herbs in the garden and I also collected some strawberries and some radish. During these days we use radish a lot, especially for breakfast and snack. Why? It is so delicious! 


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