Yellow spring in the garden

Sledujem zopár blogov a na niektorých som už hádam aj 2 týždne dozadu videla, že záhrady žijú jarou. U nás sa to začalo prebúdzať len počas posledných dní, ktorým praje teplé počasie a slnko. No a hneď sa záhrada vyfarbila do žlta. Možno tieto obrázky presvedčia aj tých, ktorí žltú moc nemusia. "Takto si rastieme na záhrade na kopčeku," prihovárajú sa vám kvietky od nás!

I follow few blogs and even 2 weeks ago I could see that gardens were already in a spring mood! However, 2 weeks ago our garden seemed to be still in a winter mood until the sun and a hot weather came and changed it completely. Here you are, some pictures where you can see our yellow spring garden decoration. Maybe these pictures will induce somebody to start loving yellow! "We are growing this way in the garden on the hill," say our little spring flowers to you.


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