Easter eggs

Už som písala, že maľovanie veľkonočných vajíčok je úžasný relax. Tak sme sa do toho tento piatok a sobotu s maminou pustili! Pripomenulo mi to tiež dni, kedy u nás bola Anne-Laure a my sme v strede leta maľovali vajíčka, pretože to sa vo Francúzsku ani v Belgicku len tak nevidí. Veľká Noc v nedohľadne, ale kreatívna duša ako ona to isto ocenila.  

I have already written that making Easter eggs is a true relax! So, my mum and I started to do it on Friday and we continued till Saturday! I remember days when Anne-Laure came in Slovakia. It was in the middle of summer and we were painting eggs. You know, it can't be seen in France or in Belgium! That's sure! Easter - a long way away, however I hope Anne-Laure with such a creative soul appreciated it that time!

Ps. Skúšala som vytvoriť nové vzory:) I tried to create new patterns:)


  1. Hello!
    That's sure that I really appreciated this time and I hope we can create new eggs very soon!

  2. That's a good idea!


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