Figure skating
Dnes som pozerala exhibíciu Majstrovstiev Európy v krasokorčuľovaní (tento rok odohrávajúce sa v Bratislave) a naozaj som si to užila! Sú to príjemné chvíle, ozajstný oddych, len som pozerala, počúvala a naozaj nič nerobila ;-) čo je trošku nezvyčajné...
Krasokorčuľovanie mi pripomína detstvo. Najmä zopár nedeľných poobedí, niekedy v zime, keď vonku bolo už šero a my sme sa domov vrátili po guľovačke. Sledovali sme exhibície pravidelne a už ako dieťa som si to užívala. Skoky Philippa Candelora, Suryu Bonaly či Marinu Anisinu s Gwendalom Peizeratom ♥.
Pripomína mi to tiež rozprávanie mojej maminy, ktorá ako dieťa tiež s obdivom sledovala skoky krasokorčuliarov a tance na lade. Veď vďaka nej to kraso mám tak rada aj ja. Mám pred očami jej zošit s čierno-bielymi fotografiami odfotenými priamo z televízora, či nalepené výstrižky z novín...
Today, I was watching the exhibition of the European Figure Skating Championship (this year it was held in Bratislava) and I was really enjoying it! These are nice moments, a veritable relax: I was only watching and listening to a nice music and I really didn´t do anything else ;-) a little bit bizzare...
Figure skating reminds my childhood. I remember some Sunday afternoons, at some point in winter time, when outside it was getting dark and we came back home from the garden after the snowfight. We used to watch the figure skating exhibitions and as a child I enjoyed it so much. Philippe Candeloro´s high jumping, Surya Bonaly or Marina Anisina dancing with Gwendal Peizerat ♥.
I also remember my mum´s reflection. When she was a little girl, she also liked watching high and nice jumping of skaters and dancing on the ice. Well, thanks to my mum I like figure skating, too. I can see before my eyes her notebook full of black and white photos taken directly from the television or her newspapers pictures related to figure skating...
Today, I was watching the exhibition of the European Figure Skating Championship (this year it was held in Bratislava) and I was really enjoying it! These are nice moments, a veritable relax: I was only watching and listening to a nice music and I really didn´t do anything else ;-) a little bit bizzare...
Figure skating reminds my childhood. I remember some Sunday afternoons, at some point in winter time, when outside it was getting dark and we came back home from the garden after the snowfight. We used to watch the figure skating exhibitions and as a child I enjoyed it so much. Philippe Candeloro´s high jumping, Surya Bonaly or Marina Anisina dancing with Gwendal Peizerat ♥.
I also remember my mum´s reflection. When she was a little girl, she also liked watching high and nice jumping of skaters and dancing on the ice. Well, thanks to my mum I like figure skating, too. I can see before my eyes her notebook full of black and white photos taken directly from the television or her newspapers pictures related to figure skating...
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