Lazy Holiday Morning
Ráno som pôvodne zamýšľala vybrať sa medzi ľudí. "Možno by sa mi ušlo niečo krásne z povianočného výpredaju," pomyslela som si. No keď som prišla do obývačky a pozrela si výhľad na zasnežené cesty, akosi ma prešla chuť. Ranný a ešte prázdninový pokoj, ktorý sa ani naše psiská neodvážili rušiť, bol priam božský. Zasvietila som len malú lampičku, aby som tú atmosféru nezničila. Vypila som pohár teplej vody a zaliala som si kávu. Kniha od Mireille sa mi zapáčila, tak som sa už ani raz nepozrela na hodiny v snahe stihnúť autobus a začítala som sa do Papierových bábik. Káva rozvoniavala a pomaly sa rozvidnievalo. No ja som bola stále myšlienkami s postavami z knihy a občas mi ušli k Mireille, môjmu stredoškolskému sparring partnerovi.
In the morning, I planned to go among people. "Maybe I can gain something beautiful during the Xmas sales," I thought. But... when I came into the living room, I looked out from the window and I could see snowy roads, I quickly lost zest. It was morning and still holiday calm all around me. Even our dogs didn´t dare to break it. I could call it - heavenly peace. As I didn´t want to ruin that atmosphere, I only switched on a small lamp. I drank a glass of hot water and I made a cup of coffee. The book Mireille gave me was nice, so I wasn´t looking at the clock anymore in attempt to catching the bus. I got lost in reading Paper Dolls. The coffee was smelling good and slowly it was getting more and more light. However, I was still in my thoughts with that book characters and sometimes my thoughts slipped away to Mireille, my high school sparring partner.
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