Special Christmas Time 2015
Vianoce 2015 som mala extra hektické. Chcela som si užiť čas Adventu v pokoji, ale všetko okolo mňa sa rýchlo hýbalo a bolo treba reagovať. Do toho všetkého mi vyzváňalo v hlave slovo ATESTÁCIA! Deň pred Vianocami som mala slabú chvíľu a myslela som, že to vzdám. No našťastie všetci najbližší do mňa hučali a ja som to dala. Dnes môžem šťastne prehlásiť, že som ju poslala. Teraz budem s novým rokom 2016 čakať na posudky. Držte mi palce!
My Christmas 2015 has been quite hectic. I wanted to enjoy Advent time in peace, but everything around me was moving and moving fast, it was necessary to react and answer it. Added to that, a word "ATTESTATION THESIS" was ringing in my head. A day before Christmas Eve I had a weak moment. I seriously wanted to give it up. Fortunately, all my close family members were clamouring to do it and I´ve finally done it. I can tell you happily, I´ve sent it today. I will expect reviews with the coming year 2016. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Jolanka, velmi prijemna web. stranka. Take zastavenie a pohladenie po dusi:) Len tak dalej:)